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Evaluation Form

’50 Years of the EU Customs Union and EU VAT System: Developments, Challenges and Alternatives’

Thursday, 14 February 2019 | 13.30 – 18.30 | Van der Groot Building (M), Room Forum, M3-15,
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Many thanks for filling in this form.


1. Were you satisfied with the conference?


2. Did the conference meet your expectations?


3. How useful did you find the role or introduction by:

Very useful
Reasonably useful
Not useful
Prof. Madeleine Merkx

Dr. Geraldo Vidigal
‘Rules-Based Trade Under Fire: the EU Customs Union in Uncertain Times’

Prof. Walter de Wit
‘The EU Customs Union after Brexit’

Prof. Edoardo Traversa
‘Key Reforms to the EU VAT System: State of Play’

Brigitte Bijl
‘Alternative approaches to combatting VAT fraud:
Transaction Network Analyses and Blockchain’

Sascha Jafari
‘Alternative approaches to combatting VAT fraud:
Transaction Network Analyses and Blockchain’


4. How useful did you find the panel discussion?


5. What did you think of the location and facilities?

Very poor


Length of introductions and debates




6. Would you be interested in taking part in future EFS conferences?




7. Are there any relevant topics you would like to be discussed at a future conference?


8. How did you find out about this conference?